Raining and waning

IMG_1469After so much sun and so much heat, the storms came. Creeping in slowly with a thundery night last week, a shower or downpour here and there over the weekend, and then a proper thunder and lightening showdown. We’ve yet to see a full day of rain and perhaps this is what we need to rinse out those last dregs of  muggyness that are clinging to our skin.

 I suspect I’ve not been alone in my gratitude for the reduced humidity, in my relief that the plants’ thirsts have been quenched, in my thanks for the cooling down of air, tempers, transport vehicles and the slide in the park. Our home has certainly benefited from my having had enough energy to clean it this week! Sure, not everyone may express their gratitude through a rain altar and a welly boot walk that has the sole purpose of puddle-splashing and slug-watching like the one my son and I enjoyed, but I expect there’s a general vibe of gratitude going around.

This washing, cleansing rain and weaker sun comes at the time that the moon is waning and people are celebrating Lammas (or Lughnasadh): the start of the noticeable waning of the year and for many the start of Autumn (or Fall). It still feels too summery for me to begin my celebrations – I need to clock a few more seasonal signs and probably see through a stint of infamous British summer rain – but there are a few hints around. ♥



I’ve also got a Lammas Pinterest board going for festive celebration and inspiration: http://pinterest.com/heartshapedmo/lammaslughnasadh/ Enjoy. ♥