3 Seasonal Journal Prompts for the Autumn Equinox

It’s almost the Autumn Equinox and, this week, Spin Your Circle Bright continues its series of Wheel of the Year journal prompts, mapping the themes and teachings of each of the eight pagan festivals to your unique self-development journey. Open your heart, mind, and journal to some or all of these prompts to deepen your connection to the seasons and yourself.

Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

1) I am gathering & storing

Abundance is all around us during this season, and for food growers and gatherers it is a busy time. Careful storage and preservation of food of course enable food through the winter, making Autumn a season of preparation – as well as a time for enjoyment of its gifts here and now.

  • Abundant in my life right now is…
  • This abundance feels… Overwhelming? Or perhaps a blessing that you’re super thankful for. A pressure to do, keep up with and engage with things? Or full of exciting potential?
  • I need to gather in – to finish up, or to reap/harvest -…
  • Thinking about challenges that may be ahead, I need to prepare by…

Image by Rebekka D from Pixabay

2) I am appreciating…

Having a daily gratitude practice as a family – or a personal, written one in a journal – doesn’t only provide a more positive conversational alternative to airing frustrations or offloading troubles; it’s backed by growing research as being good for you mental health. As well as enhancing your mood at the time of tuning into these feelings, a regular practice is likely to contribute to sustained overall happiness, through mechanisms such as increasing our emotional awareness and sensitivity, creating bonds in our relationships (of all kinds) that boost our commitment to them, improving sleep, and bringing a sense of grounding and peace. Read more here and here.

  • Good things that have come my way this year are…
  • People, or actions, that have supported their happening are….
  • 5 other things that I’m grateful for today are…

Image by Karsten Paulick from Pixabay

3) I need to let go

Where sacrifice (one of the journal prompts that I suggested for Lammas) suggests a conscious decision to give up something that is of use or value to you, the autumnal theme of letting go considers what is already waning, or coming to an end. Taking cue from the trees and bushes that drop their too-heavy fruit and their drying leaves, from the flowers and weeds that droop forwards in surrender to the ground, and from the sun that sinks earlier in the evenings, this is about following a pull that is already in motion.

Releasing what you don’t need anymore makes room for transitioning to a new cycle of growth.

However, not everything in life can feasibly be cast off, stopped, walked away from or marked as done. Letting go doesn’t have to be that dramatic and final, though. Just like the natural phenomena above, it can be part of a cycle of change and adaption; the natural world is pretty good at evolution and adaption, in contrast to the disposable culture humans often adopt. For example, you might need to let go of a particular way that you’re doing a project, rather than the whole project itself.

Autumn and spring are seasons of change, bridging and transitioning towards hottest and coldest seasons. In Autumn we often feel the winds change, and the cold nip of morning and evening air reminding us that, even if the day’s temperature sees us dressed in just one light layer, we’re out of summer now. You too might ask where in your life you are currently needing to adapt and change.

  • Something it’s time to say goodbye to is…
  • I’m feeling that pull through… what are the signs that this is not working, or has had its time?
  • I need to invite myself to change…
  • Things that are stopping/slowing me are… fear? Lack of support? Or perhaps holding onto the familiarity of what this once was to you, but no longer is?

And so I wish you, with Elsa quite possibly singing in your head for the next few days, a very Merry Equinox. May sure you’re subscribed for the next – and all future – posts. )O(

Image from the Disney film, found on cultrbox.com

Spin Your Circle Bright this week:

Mind ~ The Autumn Equinox is often referred to as Mabon, but there’s debate about whether on not it should be. You can read this post for more detailed background and the mythology of Mabon himself, and hear another opinion – and other name suggestions – here. What do you think?

Body ~ The blackthorn around where I live are heavily laden, and I’ve been looking into sloe recipes that aren’t gin. I got some advice on waiting vs not waiting for first frosts to harvest, discovered uses for sloes that have already been soaked for gin making, and have added yet another awesome-looking book to my wishlist.

Heart ~ For artworks that capture the beauty, meaning and message of the Autumn Equinox, my favourites are by Jaine Rose, Wendy Andrew, and Danielle Barlow.

Spirit ~ How about heading out to the woods with a few props to set up a little nature altar for an outdoor ritual? I love this woodland autumn equinox altar – as well as this one – for inspiration.

Sharing ~ It’s traditional for churches to make a harvest collection around now to collect food for those in need in the local community. As those on a nature-based spiritual path, let’s make sure that we do similarly. Many British supermarkets have a Foodbank donation point, sometimes including one for pet food too, and some Boots stores have a similar facility for donating toiletries, dental care items and menstrual care products.

If you are in the UK and struggling to afford food, you can find your nearest Foodbank via the Trussel Trust’s website, as well as use their online tools to check your entitlement to benefits and grants.

Top image: Sabrina Ripke Fotographie via Pixabay

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